Sunday, May 20, 2012

Combat Arms: Zombies

Hello guys, today I will be reviewing Combat Arms: Zombies. Combat Arms: Zombies is a survival app on ios. It's marketed at $6.99 for the original price but has been known to go on sale frequently. It's a universal app. So I will give you guys my rundown on this app.

                 At first the game seemed pretty fun. But then as I played it I had many complaints about this app. First of all the controls aren't very well thought out. It's impossible to aim down your sights, shoot, move, and look around at the same time so you have to pick two of those options. That gets very frustrating for me when I want to move around and shoot. Also the app wasn't what I was expecting. I was hoping it would be a fun multiplayer game where you play like zombie missions or like a nazi zombies kinda thing. But you only have like two or three missions with some difficulty options. The levels are really small and boring. The game gets way too repetitive and boring. You do the same thing over and over again. You also get very little ammo for your primary weapon which has you resorting to your pistol very soon. Also you need to play a lot as if it were a chore rather than fun to get money to unlock new weapons and armor.

Verdict: I really hate games that you have to play a lot to be able to buy stuff and you don't enjoy the game as you are doing it. That's something I feel games these days don't understand. People should be able to get stuff early and have fun with the game. And they really made ammo an issue in this game which is also something that really makes me mad. This game had so much potential but in the end was just a big waste of money. So the verdict for the first time is $No$. Don't even get this game when it's on sale.