Sunday, May 20, 2012

Combat Arms: Zombies

Hello guys, today I will be reviewing Combat Arms: Zombies. Combat Arms: Zombies is a survival app on ios. It's marketed at $6.99 for the original price but has been known to go on sale frequently. It's a universal app. So I will give you guys my rundown on this app.

                 At first the game seemed pretty fun. But then as I played it I had many complaints about this app. First of all the controls aren't very well thought out. It's impossible to aim down your sights, shoot, move, and look around at the same time so you have to pick two of those options. That gets very frustrating for me when I want to move around and shoot. Also the app wasn't what I was expecting. I was hoping it would be a fun multiplayer game where you play like zombie missions or like a nazi zombies kinda thing. But you only have like two or three missions with some difficulty options. The levels are really small and boring. The game gets way too repetitive and boring. You do the same thing over and over again. You also get very little ammo for your primary weapon which has you resorting to your pistol very soon. Also you need to play a lot as if it were a chore rather than fun to get money to unlock new weapons and armor.

Verdict: I really hate games that you have to play a lot to be able to buy stuff and you don't enjoy the game as you are doing it. That's something I feel games these days don't understand. People should be able to get stuff early and have fun with the game. And they really made ammo an issue in this game which is also something that really makes me mad. This game had so much potential but in the end was just a big waste of money. So the verdict for the first time is $No$. Don't even get this game when it's on sale.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Zombieville 2

Hey guys today I'm going to write about the app Zombieville 2 and let you know my opinion. Zombieville 2 is marketed at $0.99 and is a universal app. Zombieville 2 is side scroller that allows you to move in any direction including vertical moving. It starts out with the original character and some weapons and you pick the first town drop in there and kill zombies while trying to survive the time limit. You get money buy picking up the money and you unlock more "sessions" by killing a certain amount of zombies. They also have a really cool perk system and online play. You can also upgrade weapons and perks and with upgraded weapons the weapon may take on a new look at the last upgrade. So here is my opinion about this.

  At first the game was really fun. I liked the weapons the upgrading and all the zombie killing awesomeness. It was really fun to play with my friend online but not random people. With time though this game really got repetitive and boring. I still play it sometimes but it's not the same as it used to be. I upgraded all the weapons and perks and It was cool to test it out but like I said this game just gets plain boring after a while. This game has so much potential like adding new weapons, perks, characters, and what a lot of people want out of it a cool story line. But no, The developers refuse to update this game with all of these cool features ( Mika Mobile is working on a "Battle Heart 2"). They updated it a couple times but that wasn't enough. But it's not what this game could be. It's about what this game is.

Verdict: As disappointed as I am in this game it certainly provided a lot of entertainment for me and many other players. This game would definitely appeal zombie lovers and if you were a fan of the first one then you will like this one a lot too. I know people who like the first one more though. I disagree this game is a game worth it's price but if it went any higher I would say no. So the verdict would be $Yes$ if you like zombie games this is one for you.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ice Rage

Hey guys I'm back with another iOS app and this one is called Ice Rage. Ice Rage is marketed at $.99 and is a universal app. With a couple in app purchases I will let you guys know wether this app is worth it or not.

Ice Rage is a hockey game that has different types of game modes. A quick play mode which allows you to pick your character and your opponent as well as the difficulty. It's a one on one match along with goalies. On Easy the gameplay is slow and the goalie your goalie is controlled by the computer. Medium speeds the game play up and on hard the game play is fast and intense. Not only that you also control your goalie which takes some time to get used to but not to long if your a pro.

Another game mode is tournament mode which is the same as quick play but with tournament based gameplay. After you defeat one person you go up against other people until eventually you go up against "skar" which is the champion.

Verdict: If you beat the tournament on hard you unlock skar which is the only character I use so there is no need to buy the in apps and for 99 cents it's definitely a $Yes$.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia

Hello guys, Amir Lackpour here bringing you another iOS game to review and today it's going to be Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia. So without any delay I'm just going to jump right into my review.

Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia is a free multiplayer game that's marketed for Free on the AppStore. So why would I review something that's free you might ask.

Well first of all, if you need any convincing on why you should get a free app then here it is. Doodle Army 2 is a multiplayer game that's extremely easy to learn but hard to master. You choose your avatar and play online. You spawn with either an Uzi or desert eagle and grenades. Then you basically find your enemy and kill them while picking up different/stronger weapons like a sniper rifle, rocket launcher, m16, etc. Here's the catch...... If you want the full multiplayer experience, for example, akimbo, rocket launcher, sniper rifle, machete, and avatar skins them you need to purchase the pro player pack.

The Verdict: In My eyes this is a win win situation because the game if free. Once you play a little then you can decide if you want the pro player pack. If you are a fan of shooters and have 99 cents then you will want to buy the pro player packed because you will get sucked into this game after. The verdict is $Yes$.

Two yes's in a row wow. Check out my other article for a KTB SK breakdown.

Here is a link to the game play:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Kick the Buddy: Second Kick

                Kick the Buddy: Second Kick

Hello, Amir Lackpour here and my blog is going to be about Kick the Buddy: Second Kick. Kick the Buddy: Second Kick is on the ios Appstore and is the sequel to the first Kick the Buddy which was taken down by Crustalli, who publishes the app, for some bug fixes and was never put back. Weeks later fans were promised an update but instead a brand new game was announced on their Facebook page (I'll leave a link at the end). I stayed updated with their Facebook and even won their comic contest which rewarded me with a false promise of publishing my comic. But I got a promo code which gives me the game for free so without further ado let me give you guys a run down on whether or not this game is worth buying.

Kick the Buddy: Second Kick is a rag doll type game that is marketed at $0.99 in America along with in app purchases. Basically You have a lot of weapons at your disposal and you can torture "Buddy" in any way you want. There are virtually limitless ways to relieve your stress. You can change the backgrounds and even Buddy's wardrobe if you want. A really cool feature that I like is being able to take (or choose) a picture of someone and put their face on Buddy. But it still feels kinda weird because their face stays the same so I prefer regular Buddy. So I am going to rate this game based on the game play and let you know if it's worth getting.




 I'll start off by saying the graphics were really aesthetically pleasing. I didn't find any bugs regarding weapon use and the game play was very smooth on my iPhone 4S. I was a little surprised on how many weapons costed "real" money. For those of you who don't know what Kick the Buddy is about you basically start off with very simple weapons and the more you torture Buddy the more money you get and with that money you can buy more weapons to torture him with. Generally the more expensive a weapon is the cooler it is and will earn you more money with usage. Back to my my original point alot of the new weapons that weren't in the original cost real money. You basically have to buy packs of gold and only certain weapons cost gold so those are the weapons that cost real money. Other than that Buddy is back with a brand new voice instead of just sounds and dialogue. There are alot of really unique weapons in this game to use on Buddy and along with weapons are also really cool outfits and backgrounds.

Verdict: I think if you are a fan of the online game "Interactive Buddy" you will love Kick the Buddy: Second Kick. For 99 cents its a great buy and if you don't mind paying extra for some really awesome weopons then you should have no problem loving this game. It's a great game to play when you're bored, waiting in line, or just really want to blow off steam. With many more updates to come this game will only get better with time. So the answer is, $Yes$ it's worth it.

Make sure you stay tune to my blogs to check out more games that are or are not worth it.

Here are some links you should check out for more info on Kick the Buddy: Second Kick

Kick the Buddy's Facebook:!/kickthebuddy

Here is a demo of Kick the Buddy: Second Kick: