Saturday, April 21, 2012

Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia

Hello guys, Amir Lackpour here bringing you another iOS game to review and today it's going to be Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia. So without any delay I'm just going to jump right into my review.

Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia is a free multiplayer game that's marketed for Free on the AppStore. So why would I review something that's free you might ask.

Well first of all, if you need any convincing on why you should get a free app then here it is. Doodle Army 2 is a multiplayer game that's extremely easy to learn but hard to master. You choose your avatar and play online. You spawn with either an Uzi or desert eagle and grenades. Then you basically find your enemy and kill them while picking up different/stronger weapons like a sniper rifle, rocket launcher, m16, etc. Here's the catch...... If you want the full multiplayer experience, for example, akimbo, rocket launcher, sniper rifle, machete, and avatar skins them you need to purchase the pro player pack.

The Verdict: In My eyes this is a win win situation because the game if free. Once you play a little then you can decide if you want the pro player pack. If you are a fan of shooters and have 99 cents then you will want to buy the pro player packed because you will get sucked into this game after. The verdict is $Yes$.

Two yes's in a row wow. Check out my other article for a KTB SK breakdown.

Here is a link to the game play:

1 comment:

  1. I love this game, ever since I've gotten it, it has always been played
