Sunday, April 29, 2012

Zombieville 2

Hey guys today I'm going to write about the app Zombieville 2 and let you know my opinion. Zombieville 2 is marketed at $0.99 and is a universal app. Zombieville 2 is side scroller that allows you to move in any direction including vertical moving. It starts out with the original character and some weapons and you pick the first town drop in there and kill zombies while trying to survive the time limit. You get money buy picking up the money and you unlock more "sessions" by killing a certain amount of zombies. They also have a really cool perk system and online play. You can also upgrade weapons and perks and with upgraded weapons the weapon may take on a new look at the last upgrade. So here is my opinion about this.

  At first the game was really fun. I liked the weapons the upgrading and all the zombie killing awesomeness. It was really fun to play with my friend online but not random people. With time though this game really got repetitive and boring. I still play it sometimes but it's not the same as it used to be. I upgraded all the weapons and perks and It was cool to test it out but like I said this game just gets plain boring after a while. This game has so much potential like adding new weapons, perks, characters, and what a lot of people want out of it a cool story line. But no, The developers refuse to update this game with all of these cool features ( Mika Mobile is working on a "Battle Heart 2"). They updated it a couple times but that wasn't enough. But it's not what this game could be. It's about what this game is.

Verdict: As disappointed as I am in this game it certainly provided a lot of entertainment for me and many other players. This game would definitely appeal zombie lovers and if you were a fan of the first one then you will like this one a lot too. I know people who like the first one more though. I disagree this game is a game worth it's price but if it went any higher I would say no. So the verdict would be $Yes$ if you like zombie games this is one for you.

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